Four Sigmatic

Four Sigmatic is offering you 10% off anything on their website when you use the discount code ‘protocol8′ at checkout.

That’s 10% off any of their top quality, dual extracted and expertly blended products.
click here to discover their products

Remember to use code ‘PROTOCOL8‘ at checkout.



The magic of ‘shrooms

Juicing is a great way to fuel our bodies and keep our systems strong, but there’s one amazing vegetable that you can’t juice, and that’s mushrooms. In fact, medicinal mushrooms, which often grow on trees, can help you relax and get a good night of sleep.

Mushrooms are known to help support immune function, decrease inflammation, balance blood sugar and alter gut bacteria for the better.

You don’t have to go walking in the woods for hours to reap the benefits anymore. Mushroom tea is now available in convenient single-serve packets that you can easily mix with hot water and enjoy daily.

One of my favorites is reishi mushrooms, which enhance the quality of deep, slow-wave sleep.You can drink them two hours before bed or anytime throughout a busy day. Reishi has powerful antioxidant and adaptogenic properties that boost the immune system, it will also help relieve stress and may even help regulate blood sugar.

The reishi mushroom extracts taste incredibly smooth, almost like a light version of coffee (sans caffeine), mixed with herbs like peppermint and licorice to give it a fresh flavor.

These products are also great for those of you on a Reboot looking for an alternative to coffee. Think of it as your morning cup of chill out.

I love that there’s finally a company dedicated to making quality mushrooms accessible to all. Four Sigmatic is a Finnish start-up recognized by Bon Appétit and many others for their work. All of their reishi products are USDA organic, vegan, gluten-free and paleo-certified.

The Reishi Elixir or the Mushroom Hot Cacao with Reishi come in portable packets that you can travel with or enjoy at home. The main ingredient in these extracts is pure log-grown reishi mushroom with no starch, refined sugars, or any fillers at all.

Other mushrooms that are used in four sigmatic blends include Lion’s Mane, Cordyceps and Chaga.

Lion’s Mane – one of the only mushrooms with neuroprotective benefits, it helps improve memory, boosts creativity, helps with concentration and improves mental clarity.

-Cordyceps – adaptogenic properties help fight fatigue and boost strength and stamina to improve exercise performance and antioxidants support immune and liver function.  

-Chaga – is jam-packed with antioxidants like beta-glucans that stimulate the immune system.

Four Sigmatic is offering you 10% off anything on their website when you use the discount code ‘protocol8′ at checkout.


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